Good News, Good Guests, No Grief!
In 2019 Fayon started reviewing the newspapers on a more regular basis for Talk Radio and BBC Radio London. Whilst presenting a variety of news topics, Fayon had the knack for finding positive elements in even the most depressing of news stories and shining a light on the feel good stories, which generally get buried amongst negative headlines.
The idea for Happy Talk was born. However, the start of 2020 brought a global pandemic and life’s priorities needed her attention. Fayon didn’t let go of the idea and by autumn, Fayon was back on the happiness trail! She made a list of guests with whom she shared happy connections and invited them to share positive news stories, happy memories, and to bring an item along which evokes happy thoughts. So bear in mind all recordings going into 2021 were filmed between October and November 2020.
Fayon believes there is a lot more positivity out there but we all get bogged down with life and forget to